Saturday, 8 January 2011

Projection Mapping/VJ Software

There is not a great deal of software out there (that I have been able find) that can offer the sort of functionality I require to achieve the kind of results I’m looking for. However, I have come across two open source software packages that do offer the kind functionality I require:


is a general purpose toolkit with a special focus on real time video synthesis and programming large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video. VVVV is free for non-commercial use and available for download at its website.

Video Projection Tools (VPT) -

“Is focused on different ways of incorporating video, light and sound into physical spaces. Instead of simulating a 3D environment projected onto flat screens it is more focused on creating dynamic spaces using video as light; by projecting 2D into a 3D space (and more advanced projecting a modelled 3dspace into a physical 3d space), masking of the image (like Iball), relief projection (projecting an object back onto itself, like Naimark´s Displacements.”

I plan to experiment with both to discover which would be best suited to my project.

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