Tuesday 25 January 2011

Die Hard World of Warcraft Fans

It has been long debated that computer games can bring out addictive tendencies in certain people. You don’t have to troll the internet far to find stories of gamers that have stayed up for days on end with little food and sleep. In the most extreme circumstances I found an article printed by The Telegraph which reported that a man had died after a 7 day World of Warcraft binge. To be fair the man, 26, was a weighty 23 stone which probably played a massive role in his death but you can understand the point I’m trying to make. So I asked myself the question “what is it that’s keeping these die hard gamers up all night?” and then it hit me, why not develop an energy drink which specifically targets this demographic.

After a quick search on Google I discovered this....

This is an energy shot in the shape of potion bottle which is specifically aimed at WOW gamers....Back to the drawing board.

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