Wednesday, 2 March 2011

2D Projection Mapping Experiment

I’ve been experimenting with a projector and Adobe Flash. I’m attempting to replicate some of the 2D projections I’ve seen on a number websites such as Vimeo. The video of the finished experiment is at the bottom of the post. Apologies in advance for the video quality, it was taken on my phone

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Updated Logo Images

Here is the final logo (I think) as seen on the website images posted last week. I’m very happy with how it looks and can’t foresee any major changed happening any time soon.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Grenade Website

I've been working on the Grenade website for a few days and it's starting to look the part. Although at the moment it is still a static image, i will need to finish the remaining pages before slicing them ready for Dreamweaver.

Intro Page

Home Page

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Drink Can

This is a cheesy little energy drink can that I knocked together in Photoshop to get an idea of what the product may look like on a shelf.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Projection Advertisement Storyboard - Concept

Here is a storyboard I produced of a potential concept for my 30 second projection advertisement. It focuses mainly on 2D animation but does contain some 3D elements.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Initial Concept Designs

Here are some of the inital Concepts I have drafted up in Photoshop. The design is a bit loose but I think it has potential.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Call of Duty Based Energy Drink?

I've decided to steer my attentions towards another one of the top gaming franchises in the world at the moment, Call of Duty. To my knowledge nobody has yet tapped this hugely promising niche in this particular market. The sales figures have been absolutely monumental: 4.7 million copies of Modern Warfare 2 were sold in the first 24 hours of its release, breaking the record for most successful entertainment launch of all time. A total of 55 million copies of the COD has been purchased in the last 8 years since the series was launched.
It’s time to develop this concept!

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Die Hard World of Warcraft Fans

It has been long debated that computer games can bring out addictive tendencies in certain people. You don’t have to troll the internet far to find stories of gamers that have stayed up for days on end with little food and sleep. In the most extreme circumstances I found an article printed by The Telegraph which reported that a man had died after a 7 day World of Warcraft binge. To be fair the man, 26, was a weighty 23 stone which probably played a massive role in his death but you can understand the point I’m trying to make. So I asked myself the question “what is it that’s keeping these die hard gamers up all night?” and then it hit me, why not develop an energy drink which specifically targets this demographic.

After a quick search on Google I discovered this....

This is an energy shot in the shape of potion bottle which is specifically aimed at WOW gamers....Back to the drawing board.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Projection Mapping Artists

Here are a few of the artists who I have been researching recently. I have added both Joanie Lemercier and Bram Snijders on Facebook, the latter of whom actually made contact with me through private messenger. I have included our brief conversation below.

Bram Snijders –
Joanie Lemercier (Crustea) -
Klaus Obermaier –
Till Nowak –
Ricardo Rivera –

Bram Snijders January 19 at 2:09am
Hi Michael, I was asking my selve, where do i know you from? mabey you have the wrong guy in front of you?
Greedz Bram Snijders

Michael Riddell January 19 at 2:28am
Hi Bram,

I was trolling the internet today looking for projection mapping resources and came across your videos on Vimeo. I thought I would add you on Facebook along with a few other video artists who's work I was impressed with.



Bram Snijders January 19 at 3:09am Report
Hi i dind't read you message before i send you the first message. Thank you, and i feel appreciated by your request.

I'll ad you to my contact list. Feel free to get in contact. sorry for my first reaction, i trey to keep my facebook contacts organised;)

Are you to active as an video artist/student/performer?

Last Saturday we organised an audio visual network festival in Amsterdam (NL) Called Fiber, there where alot of video artist ther to, we also have sommehing called Fiberspace, where we inspire each other with videos and developments we think are interesting, feel free to engage. you can go to :


Bram Snijders (SITD)

Michael Riddell January 19 at 12:42pm
Hi Bram,

no problem, I would have done the same thing if somebody I didn't know had added me :-)

I am a studying Computer Arts BA (Hons) at The University of Abertay, Dundee, Scotland. In the last year I have become interested in motion graphics and video compositing. However, recently I have been blown away by some of the projection mapping videos I have seen online by yourself and others. I have decided that this is something I would like to learn and start producing for myself with the aim of possibly implementing these techniques in to my Honours Project.

The only problem is I am very new to projection mapping. Could you possibly recommend any software, hardware and any online resources as a good starting point?

Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.



I'm still waiting on a reply to this last message....

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Projection Mapping/VJ Software

There is not a great deal of software out there (that I have been able find) that can offer the sort of functionality I require to achieve the kind of results I’m looking for. However, I have come across two open source software packages that do offer the kind functionality I require:


is a general purpose toolkit with a special focus on real time video synthesis and programming large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video. VVVV is free for non-commercial use and available for download at its website.

Video Projection Tools (VPT) -

“Is focused on different ways of incorporating video, light and sound into physical spaces. Instead of simulating a 3D environment projected onto flat screens it is more focused on creating dynamic spaces using video as light; by projecting 2D into a 3D space (and more advanced projecting a modelled 3dspace into a physical 3d space), masking of the image (like Iball), relief projection (projecting an object back onto itself, like Naimark´s Displacements.”

I plan to experiment with both to discover which would be best suited to my project.