Friday, 29 October 2010

Research Question?

It has been a difficult few weeks trying to come up with a solid concept for my personal project. The difficultly I have is linking a research question with a suitable project, and one that I am truly happy with. I want the research to be the driver of my project and not the other way about. In order to achieve this the research needs to be interesting. So I asked myself the question "what subject matter do I find intriguing yet know very little about?”. The answer, the psychological methods employed by advertisers and how these processes affect our behaviours as consumers.

For decades advertising companies have been faced with the uphill struggle of trying to compete for the attention of a consumer within a saturated market. On a daily basis society is faced with thousands of advertising appeals which have numbed our sensitivity and have made us more immune to the constant barrage of information. As a result advertising companies have turned to psychology and other unconventional techniques to cut through and reach their target market.

I find this subject area fascinating and would love to use the research as the driver for my project......the question now is "what is the project?"

The seeds are planted.....

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Honours Project Diary

I have created this blog to document my progress throughout my Honours Project at Abertay University, Dundee. I plan to keep a record of my research, concept development and creative approach in the development of my ideas. I hope this will give an insight into my interests as well as what inspires and motivates me as an artist.